Ambitions, Inc.

Intellectual and Developmental Disability Support Services


About Ambitions

We started supporting people with developmental disabilities in 1992, with a small group of people who were discharged from a state institution as part of a downsizing effort in Washington State. To many, this group of people was considered a test case on the validity of community supports. Half of this group consisted of people with significant medical needs, while the other half consisted of people with significant behavioral support needs. Many professionals at the institution predicted failure within the first three months. Now, 30+ years later, those same people continue to live and work in the community.

Residential & Supported Living Services

We specialize in community-based services that help developmentally disabled individuals live in their own homes, and in their own communities. It includes 24-hour supervision and support, teaching of daily living skills, maintaining healthy lifestyles, integrating fully into the community, building relationships, and supporting autonomy.

Adult Residential Facilities

Our California Adult Residential Facilities are licensed to provide 24-hour, non-medical residential support to adults with developmental disabilities who are in need of personal services, supervision, and assistance with essential activities of daily living and self-protection. Our facilities offer support, supervision, and professionally supervised training for persons with deficits in self-help skills, impairment in physical coordination and mobility, and/or severely disruptive or self-injurious behavior.

Specialized Day Program Services

Specialized Day Program services are designed to meet the needs of adult individuals who desire to live a more independent lifestyle. We accomplish this by identifying barriers that limit independence, and then develop individualized supports to teach new skills that eliminate these barriers. Our program encourages individuals to become self-advocates by empowering them to rely on their own dialy decisions.

Residential Habilitiation Services

Residential habilitation services offer supervision and assistance to individuals who need significant cognitive, medical, or behavioral support. We emphasize positive supports and a belief in helping individuals live as independently as possible.

Child Behavioral Rehabilitative Services

Behavioral Rehabilitation Service uses intensive resources to create an environment in which supervised group and/or family living are integrated into a set of comprehensive services where positive behavioral support methods and environmental structure are provided for children with medical, mental, developmental, emotional, and/or behavioral difficulties that exceed the service or supervision capacity of regular foster care families. Children may have had a history of being medically fragile, self-injurious, high risk, or behaviorally or emotionally disordered.

Employment and Community Access

Employment and community access support is provided within our local communities. Our employment service provides ongoing support, training, and paid jobs in a variety of settings and work sites. These include individual supported employment, group employment, and prevocational services. Our community access service offers individuals the opportunity to integrate into the various activities and events of their local community, and provides special assistance, advocacy, and education to help individuals whose age or disability currently limits their ability to participate actively in their community.


For more information about services or employment with Ambitions, please visit our state-specific websites below.